EIAI – A Voice for the Event Industry in Ireland
The Event Industry Association of Ireland(EIAI), is a group of event industry professionals, service providers, educators and experts who came together to:
- be a strong voice for the industry,
- establish a communication/support/knowledge exchange network
- develop and improve professionalism and
- promote best practice within the industry in Ireland,
We are achieving this through the delivery of a programme of strategic objectives and actions.
The Event Industry in Ireland is a critical and vitally important contributor to the economic wellbeing of several sectors including, Tourism, Arts and Culture, Leisure, Entertainment and Hospitality etc. In addition the Event Industry provides the delivery mechanisms for local, national and international events and festivals, that not only support the local economy and brand awareness for cities and regions but through provision of event services also supports local community development, sustainability, environmental awareness, sense of place, and community well-being.
We are all aware that the re-opening of the live event sector will be at the end of a phased reintroduction of reopening the country and the economy. While some sectors within the industry have been able to pivot and reimagine themselves in the form of virtual and hybrid events, this move has made it even more discouraging for thousands of workers and providers who service the live event sector. While other industries will reopen this year and will have some opportunity to re-engage employees, there is an entire community of freelance and seasonal events staff and providers who will be unable to work this year at all and quite possibly will not work for a portion of next year as well.
When Covid 19 shut down events, many of the industry’s crew were a week away from taking up their full employment positions for the “event season” that traditionally opens up on St. Patrick’s weekend and finishes up in September with a short kick back into action for the Christmas and New Year period. Because they had not commenced their employment many of them did not qualify for the Covid 19 subsidy. This will be significant for the industry as many will now need to seek employment elsewhere and we will effectively bleed out our experienced crew members many of whom are critical to the restart of the industry.
Our ask is:
- that all necessary business and workers’ supports required to secure the recovery of the Event Industry be provided for the duration of 2020 and into 2021. This to include for industry crews and other employees a continuation of Covid-19 support payments, free access to online training, accreditation and upskilling opportunities and for all businesses in the industry, business continuity and survival supports essential to sustain them until the reopening of the industry.
- that the EIAI is provided with a seat at the table of relevant Taskforces, in order to ensure that we are not left lagging behind in the recovery and reopening phases.
Our give is that we will:
- engage fully and actively to bring solutions from across the Industry to the table for our own and any other industry sector who would benefit from same.
Mary Weir, Elaine O’Connor
on behalf of the EIAI