Review of the Legislative Framework

Update (2021):

As we progress through the Covid-19 pandemic the need for a review of both the Event Industry legislative framework and the relevant codes of practice has become more evident.  We continue to advocate for this change with the relevant Government Departments. 

2014 / 2015 Legislative Review

Below is the advertisement that was published in November in relation to the upcoming review of the legislative framework in relation to the licensing of Outdoor Music Events. In preparation of this we had published the relevant Planning Act, Regulations and Codes of Practice in our “Have Your Say Section” (right hand side of each page). The “Have Your Say” section enables all of our EIAI users comment on each section of the relevant legislation.  In addition to this there is also a Legislative Review group which will enable all users to raise additional points and discuss current issues.  Our aim was to compile as much industry feedback as possible by Wednesday the 26th of November, 2014 so we could submit a comprehensive response with a request for the EIAI and other Key Industry Stakeholders (as a peer group) to be consulted on draft recommendations before they are presented to Minister Alan Kelly.

To “Have Your Say” on the relevant legislation please click one of the following links:

Here is a direct link to the group forum:


“The Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr. Alan Kelly, T.D., is currently conducting a review of the legislative framework for the licensing of outdoor music and entertainment events.

As part of this process, a Review Group comprising of representative of local authorities, Government Departments and other State Agencies has been convened to formulate recommendations to put forward to the Minister on possible changes to the legislation.  Members of the public and all interested groups / parties are now invited to make written submissions for consideration.

Legislative provisions in respect of outdoor events are provided for in the Planning and Development Act and Regulations, which are available on the Department’s website.

Written submissions may be e-mailed or posted to:

Niamh Redmond, Planning Section, Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, Custom House, Dublin 1

Tel: 01 8882459  Email:

The closing date for receipt of submissions is Friday the 28th of November, 2014. In the interests of transparency, all submissions received (including the name of the person making the submission but not their contact details) will be made fully available online on the Department’s website ( and will be subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. The onus is on persons making submissions not to include material of a private nature in the body of their submission.”

Our Response:

Please see the following downloadable link or click here to read our submission online.


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